Saturday, March 26, 2011

3/26/2011 - Our newest edition should arrive Friday, April 22nd, 2011 unless he has other plans. All of my sonograms are predicting him to be a big baby, so we shall see. I am four weeks from delivering and they told us he is over eight pounds now! WOW! I am still very healthy in this pregnancy, working and doing well. Hope he at least stays in there for a couple more weeks... Will keep you all posted!

Birthdays 2011

Katrina's big 12th birthday!
Socks from Arizona from Grandma Linda and Grandpa Bruce
Getting ready to blow out her candles!!
Lucas's 6th birthday party. He loves Mario Bros., so he is holding up a shirt mommy bought him.
Lucas and Abram opening all of his gifts.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

Well, it has been a while since our last post... about four months. We have some new family news. Pete and I are expecting our first child! Due in April. All is going well. Lucas and Katrina are very excited and anxiously await their little brother in April 2011. Due on April 29th, to be exact. We were really convinced it was a girl and when we found out otherwise, we were totally shocked and equally excited!

Christmas was wonderful around our house this year. We had Lucas and Katrina for Christmas morning. Santa brought them an early Christmas gift from Grandma Linda and Grandpa Bruce - a Wii! The kids both love it and play it every chance they get... Pete and I get roped into playing some too (:

Lucas was bowling on the Wii and got really excited and fell into the TV cabinet and bumped his noggin, which necessitated a trip to the emergency room for Dermabond on his forehead. We now have a rule out standing at least 6 feet back from the TV - live and learn... it didn't stop him though. On the way back from the ER, he wanted to "finish his game" (!)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Virginia Beach Vacation - 2010

At the Virginia Aquarium
Outside our hotel, on Virginia Beach. I walked along the beach, sans kids, about 6:30 in the mornings.
Lucas (and a little bit of Katrina) on board a 4-masted schooner, the Alliance, at the York River in Yorktown, VA.
Katrina got to steer the ship!
Katrina and Lucas playing in the ocean at Virginia Beach.
Putting up the sails on the Alliance.

Neptune's statue on the boardwalk at Virginia Beach.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Summer 2010

Lucas finally let me give him a haircut with the trimmers!
Katrina took this picture. At the back of our yard, we have blackberry bushes. She thought these was just the perfect berries!
Lucas in his Spiderman jammies, oh, yeah, and the darts.
Katrina posing in our pool. Summer 2010.
Katrina and Lucas gave us a "fashion show" and modeled the Nerf darts...

Monday, April 12, 2010

Easter 2010 & Spring Break

Our Spring Break vacation... We all loaded up and Went to Pike County, IL to visit Pete's aunt and uncle and we had a great time. The morning we left, we went across the river to Hannibal, MO and went to the Mark Twain Caves... Lucas and Trina could not resist posing in the cheesy cut-outs outside the gift shop.
Here they are posing inside the cave, and yes, we did see some bats. (!)
Here are the three of them, being so patient, listening to the tour guide, inside the cave.
Lucas is playing in our backyard, wearing his Easter suit that Grandma Nina bought for him, topped off, of course, with our cowboy boots! I think he is chewing on a piece of chocolate in this picture...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Katrina's and Lucas' birthdays...

We had Katrina's 11th birthday party this past Saturday at our house with all grandparents, aunts and uncles in attendance. She and I went shopping earlier in the day and topped off our afternoon before the party with pedicures!
Katrina wanted Supergirl on her cake -- isn't it cute?
We moved into our house on Jan. 1st and Lucas is in the driveway, helping Pop shovel gravel in our very bumpy driveway.
We had a bounce house for Lucas' party. Here is Grandma Linda, Katrina and Lucas! What fun! Lucas and Katrina bounced in there for about 5 hours that day.
Here is Lucas' masterpiece - He wanted SpiderMan cake! It was yummy, too.